Messinger Woods is blessed with approximately 300 wonderful, caring people that volunteer their time and expertise toward our common goals. It is obvious that each person takes pride in the important work that they contribute. Ultimately, it is easy to see that people who truly care are the reason that Messinger Woods has been so successful, and continues to grow in such a positive manner. We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of our volunteers.
Interested in becoming a volunteer for us? See our Volunteer Recruitment page for information.

Who is a wildlife rehabilitator?
Wildlife Rehabilitators are trained and licensed volunteers, entrusted with the responsibility of caring for sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife with the goal of releasing their patients back into the wild.

Why rehabilitate wildlife?
One may ask whether or not the act of wildlife rehabilitation is interfering with natural selection, or disrupting the course of nature. Statistics gleaned from over two decades of rehabilitation annual reports show that between 80 to 90 percent of all wildlife admitted for help, had become debilitated as a direct or indirect result of obstacles imposed on the natural world by humans.

How do wildlife rehabilitators receive their wild patients?
During the spring and summer "busy season" it is not uncommon for a rehabilitator to receive numerous calls from a wide variety of people. The majority of our calls, come from the general public who find wild animals they believe to be in need of help.