How you can help wildlife...
Thank you for making Messinger Woods a community project! Please call (716) 345 - 4239 for details regarding donations collected for us! We appreciate your support! Below you can find various ways to help us care for wildlife.
Click the DONATE button for Paypal Donation

Send Donation by Mail to:
Messinger Woods Wildlife Care and Education Center, Inc.
P.O. Box 508
Orchard Park, NY 14127
We have an wishlist with items required for our wildlife hospital to run smoothly. To view our wishlist, please click on the image above.
Messinger Woods benefits the most from your monetary donations. Monetary donations allow our organization the flexibility to buy critically needed supplies and to fulfill emergent requirements of the highest priority. To assist Messinger Woods with your donation, please click the "Donation" button above.

Wilderness Self-Reliance Course
We are proud to announce that one of our volunteers and founding members is offering a wilderness survival class. Find out more here.
Messinger Woods is now part of the smile program. Next time when you shop on, please go to instead, select Messinger Woods as your favorite charity, and shop as you normally would. This is of NO cost to you, however, amazon will donate 0.5% of what you spend with them to us. THANK YOU!
To connect to amazon smile, please click on the image above.
Additional items needed:
Heating pads (NO auto-shut off)
Red light bulbs
Kitten flea spray/powder
Plastic garbage bags - 33 gallon size
Heavy duty LARGE trash bags
Plain white paper towels
Puppy training pads
Large sheets of plastic/or rolls
Laundry Detergent
Dawn ORIGINAL Dishwashing Detergent
Handmade bird/animal perches*
Small handmade nest boxes*
Antibacterial liquid hand soap
Small hand brooms/with dustpans
Butterfly/Fishing nets
Facial Tissue
Dry Baby Food – Oatmeal or Rice Single Grain Cereal
ZipLock Storage Bags, Large and Small
Gift Cards to Clyde's, PetSmart, Walmart, Tops
Bungee Cords
Bird Food (miscellaneous seeds and suet)
Copy Paper, 8 1/2 x 11
New 2 x 2's, 2 x 4's and Plywood
Black Reptarium Zip Cages
Bird Feeders and Bird Baths
Canned Cat and Dog Food
Dry Kitten Chow (Food)
Food Processor
Large Item Wish List:
Storage Shed/Pole Barn
Carpentry Equipment/Tools & Lawn Equipment
If you or your group would like to make Messinger Woods a
community or charitable project and collect donations for us,
please call (716) 345-4239 for details ... our wildlife rehab
efforts dovetail nicely with many other organizations' efforts,
such as Scouting, and we welcome the assistance!